5. Define Pistons

5. Define Pistons

Each Input pin that has been wired to a piston must be defined.  The system scans all possible piston input pins as described in the wiring outline and when a piston is ‘hit’, the definition choice selected on the LCD will be written into memory or defined for this input pin.  Every other pin that is not used for pistons must remain undefined.

Enter the Power Up Programming Sequence as instructed in Power Up Programming Overview.  ‘Increment’ with key 3 to 5. Define Pistons and ‘enter’ with key 8.  The LCD will display “Write to Memory” and “Piston 1”.

Use key 3 to increment the piston pin definition, and key 2 to decrement this definition.  Hit the corresponding piston to program the selected definition into the input pin’s memory.  The LCD will go blank and increment to the next definition when the piston is released.  Define general pistons first starting with Piston1, that is Piston 1 on General  1, Piston 2 on General 2,  …  continuing with Divisional pistons after completing the Generals.  Duplicate toe studs by the same name but wired to different input pins are defined by decrementing with key 2 to this same definition and hitting the toe stud.  This will put the same definition with both the manual piston input pin and toe stud input pin.

After defining all Generals and Divisionals, use increment key 3 to skip the remaining piston numbers, up to 128.  After piston 128, definitions are O. Rev 1-8 meaning organist programmable reversibles, P. Cancel 1-8 meaning programmable or divisional cancels, B. Rev 1-16 meaning builder reversibles such as Gt/Pd, Sw/Pd, etc., followed by the special function pistons.  The final definition choice is “undefined”, this means that you are defining the input to not be a piston.  To be able to define any possible piston input as “Undefined” is necessary if a stop or coupler input pin has been mistakenly programmed as a piston.

If using manual interchanges or piston couplers, divisional pistons must be assigned to their corresponding division and number within the division.  When the piston number is selected, toggle key 7 to turn on this div# and piston# within the division.  Use key 4 to select the div# and key 5 to select the piston#, and then proceed with hitting these divisional pistons in numeric increasing sequence.  Toggle key 7 when finished with the division.

Toggle key 8 to change the LCD to from ‘Write to Memory” to “Read from Memory”.  This allows the definition in memory to be displayed on the LCD when a piston is hit, thus checking that the definition in memory matches the engraving and defining.

Use great key 1 to escape or exit.  The LCD will auto increment to 6.Define Couplers.

NOTE: For manual interchange of B. Rev#s(maximum 2/div): GT or Div1 – B.Rev 1&2, Div4 – B.Rev 7&8, and Div5 – B.Rev 9&10 respectively.  For example, when exchanging the GT with the CH (div4), B.Rev1 will exchange with B.Rev7…

NOTE: For manual interchange of P.Can#s, GT or Div1 – P. Can1, Div4 – P. Can4, and Div5 – P.Can5.

NOTE: Check all stops and couplers when in “Read from Memory”, they must say undefined.

NOTE: If no piston number choice is displayed when entering #5. Define Pistons, this indicates that a possible piston input pin is on, thus blocking inadvertent defining of the pin.

NOTE: Key 6 will clear or erase or “undefine” all possible piston input pins.

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